Kuipers to ref Porto-Roma

The first leg of the Champions League play-off game between Porto and Roma will be officiated by Bjorn Kuipers.

The Giallorossi have a lot hanging on this game, after having fought so hard last year to secure third place.

Kuipers has been nominated to oversee the contest. It's his fourth Champions League match supervising the Italians, as he already saw them playing against Barcelona last year, as well as against Manchester City and Basel.

The first leg of the Champions League play-off game between Porto and Roma will be officiated by Bjorn Kuipers.

The Giallorossi have a lot hanging on this game, after having fought so hard last year to secure third place.

Kuipers has been nominated to oversee the contest. It's his fourth Champions League match supervising the Italians, as he already saw them playing against Barcelona last year, as well as against Manchester City and Basel.

The Dutchman is an experienced referee and he already handled the tournament's final in 2014 between Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid.