‘Koulibaly settled in 48 hours’

The agent of Kalidou Koulibaly promises the situation with Napoli will be resolved 'within two, maximum three days'.

The Senegalese had expressed in rather blunt terms his desire to leave the Partenopei, and a €40m offer had promptly come in from Chelsea.

In spite of the rift that had opened between the player and the club, Napoli refused to sell him and are still doing their utmost to keep him.

The agent of Kalidou Koulibaly promises the situation with Napoli will be resolved 'within two, maximum three days'.

The Senegalese had expressed in rather blunt terms his desire to leave the Partenopei, and a €40m offer had promptly come in from Chelsea.

In spite of the rift that had opened between the player and the club, Napoli refused to sell him and are still doing their utmost to keep him.

“The talks I'm having are confidential,” Koulibaly's agent Bruno Satin told Goal.com. “But I can tell you that in the space of two days, or three at the most, there will be some developments and everything will be settled.”