Key week for Cuadrado future

Reports continue to suggest that this is a crucial week for Fiorentina” data-scaytid=”1″>Fiorentina to determine Juan Cuadrado’s future at the club.

Speculation last week was that Barcelona were readying an assault for this week for the Colombia international, to follow on from weeks of reported interest in the winger.

Reports continue to suggest that this is a crucial week for Fiorentina to determine Juan Cuadrado’s future at the club.

Speculation last week was that Barcelona were readying an assault for this week for the Colombia international, to follow on from weeks of reported interest in the winger.

Catalan-based daily Sport follow this up today with an assertion that officials from the Camp Nou will meet with Cuadrado and his agent to discuss terms on a prospective contract, whilst an offer of €35m plus bonuses has in fact already been tabled to La Viola.

Reports in Italy, meanwhile, indicate that the player is expected to return to Italy later today or into tomorrow and that he is then due to meet with Fiorentina officials.

Andrea Della Valle, Daniel Prade, Eduardo Macia and Cuadrado’s agent Alessandro Lucci are expected at this meeting with the 26-year-old, where a resolution on his future will apparently be sought.

Della Valle and company will reportedly use the meeting to ascertain Cuadrado’s intentions and in the hope of keeping him, look to offer a contract extension.

Cuadrado is seen as unwilling to outright force a transfer, but would like a potential exit green-lit by Fiorentina.

One diplomatic move the club are seen as taking in this meeting will be the anticipated non-attendance of President Mario Cognigni, whose comments at the end of the season that 90 per cent of Cuadrado’s growth was down to La Viola apparently upset the player.