Kessie is back in Milan

Milan midfielder Franck Kessie is finally back in Italy after struggling to make the journey back from the Ivory Coast.

According to Sport Mediaset, and others, he was able to get a flight to Italy after a week of difficulties caused by various lockdowns and travel bans.

He is the final foreign player who was still abroad for the Rossoneri, arriving a few days after Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

In theory, Kessie should have to remain in quarantine for 15 days before he can return to training.

Milan midfielder Franck Kessie is finally back in Italy after struggling to make the journey back from the Ivory Coast.

According to Sport Mediaset, and others, he was able to get a flight to Italy after a week of difficulties caused by various lockdowns and travel bans.

He is the final foreign player who was still abroad for the Rossoneri, arriving a few days after Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

In theory, Kessie should have to remain in quarantine for 15 days before he can return to training.

However, Milan managed to get permission from the local authorities to allow Ibrahimovic back early as long as he passed two COVID-19 swab tests over several days.

It remains to be seen if Kessie will be granted the same shortcut.