Milan will reportedly play the first two Serie A games without injured Franck Kessie, who is expected to return against Lazio on September 12.

Il Giornale reports the Ivory Coast international, who has sustained a muscular lesion to his flexor, will be out until after the first international break.

Sky Sport Italia reported the midfielder felt a muscular twinge in training yesterday and tests have shown an injury.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic is also expected back against Lazio in September, whilst Tuttosport reports Milan consider keeping Tommaso Pobega at Milanello due to the former Atalanta player’s problem.

Pobega has been linked with another loan deal this summer, after spending 2020-21 at Spezia, but Kessie’s injury might mean he will stay at the club.

The initial reports claimed Kessie could be out for several weeks, but Il Giornale believes he is targeting a return against the Biancocelesti in the third round of fixtures.

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