Kaka to LA Galaxy via Milan?

Milan will fly out today to complete the Kaka deal, but he could stay only until March before moving to LA Galaxy.

The Brazilian declared this week he wanted to leave and Coach Carlo Ancelotti confirmed in Saturday’s Press conference that Real Madrid will try to make him happy.

Milan will fly out today to complete the Kaka deal, but he could stay only until March before moving to LA Galaxy.

The Brazilian declared this week he wanted to leave and Coach Carlo Ancelotti confirmed in Saturday’s Press conference that Real Madrid will try to make him happy.

Despite interest from Manchester United and Arsenal, he seems set on a return to San Siro, the club he left for a then-world record transfer fee in 2009.

Milan Vice-President Adriano Galliani is flying out to Madrid today in order to complete negotiations with both club and player.

"The return of Kaka remains very, very, very difficult," Galliani told journalists at Linate airport, where he was accompanied by the chief of Doyen Sports.

However, Tuttosport claim this will only be a temporary stop-over for the 31-year-old.

It’s reported Kaka will stay with Milan until March, when the MLS season begins and he will move on to LA Galaxy.

This would enable the Rossoneri to save on his wages, spending €3.5m for six months, and Kaka would essentially make way for Keisuke Honda when he arrives on a free transfer from CSKA Moscow in January.

This morning it was again reported that CSKA Moscow had given the all-clear to sell them Honda, but changed their minds after the Champions League draw on Thursday.