‘Juventus teach you to win’

Federico Bernardeschi says the difference between Juventus and Fiorentina is the mentality – “you learn right away that you play to win”.

The forward made the move from Florence to Turin in the summer, and spoke to the Torinese edition of the Corriere della Sera about his move.

“It’s not easy to change environment and team, but if you choose Juve that change becomes a revolution,” Bernardeschi explained.

“Here you have to learn right away that you play to win, on the pitch but even in cards, even at trumps.

Federico Bernardeschi says the difference between Juventus and Fiorentina is the mentality – “you learn right away that you play to win”.

The forward made the move from Florence to Turin in the summer, and spoke to the Torinese edition of the Corriere della Sera about his move.

“It’s not easy to change environment and team, but if you choose Juve that change becomes a revolution,” Bernardeschi explained.

“Here you have to learn right away that you play to win, on the pitch but even in cards, even at trumps.

“When I arrived I felt different things to the past, and I could see that things aren’t like in other teams.

“It’s the mentality that makes the difference.”