Juventus are looking to beat Napoli to Lazar Samardzic and have reportedly agreed terms with the player’s father.

The 21-year-old Serbian talent was only a step away from joining Inter in the summer transfer window after a deal was agreed with Udinese, but things ultimately collapsed at the final hurdle, leaving the midfielder in Udine.

Napoli have long been working to sign Samardzic this month, ready to pay €25m total for his signature, but they still haven’t managed to get the final green light from his representatives. In the meantime, Roberto De Zerbi’s Brighton have emerged as possible suitors.

As reported by TuttoMercatoWeb, Juventus are looking to take advantage of Napoli’s failure to close out a deal for Samardzic and have contacted his entourage to discuss a deal. The midfielder’s father has given the green light for a move to Turin, allowing things to progress.

The Old Lady are now preparing to negotiate with Udinese, who want €25m for the 21-year-old midfielder. Juventus can pay this in a deferred manner and now need to move quickly if they want to beat out Napoli and Brighton.

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