Juventus’ 15-point penalty: what happens now?

Juventus‘ 15-point penalty has been cancelled pending a new FIGC trial, so what happens now?

The Bianconeri’s appeal was ‘partially’ successful as CONI Collegio Di Garanzia ruled on Thursday that FIGC must re-evaluate their 15-point penalty, which the Bianconeri have temporarily re-gained.

This means there will be a third sporting trial which could end with a reduced point penalty for the Bianconeri. The Serie A giants still hope that the new trial won’t lead to a point deduction, as explained by Francesco Calvo on Thursday.

When will the new trial take place? The CONI court has 30 days to unveil its motivations but, as reported by Gazzetta, they could arrive earlier, so the new FIGC trial can take place before the end of May, possibly on the 22nd or 23rd.

The objective, reports the pink paper, is to have a definitive verdict, therefore a definitive table, by the end of the season on June 4. However, Juventus can once again appeal to CONI after the new FIGC trial, but in this case, at least on paper, their chances of winning the appeal would be reduced because FIGC will base the new verdict on the annotations made by CONI.

The Old Lady could ask to have a reduced penalty which would count for next season, but the club’s defensive strategy will only be determined once CONI reveals its motivations.

Juventus are also waiting to know the date for another sporting trial looking into the so-called ‘salary manoeuvres, which could also lead to a further point penalty for the Bianconeri, not to mention UEFA, who are strictly following the criminal case carried out by the Turin Prosecutor and which could have consequences on the club’s involvement in European competitions.