Juve to sign Rossi tomorrow?

According to reports from Italy, Juventus” data-scaytid=”1″>Juventus could complete their capture of Giuseppe Rossi on Wednesday.

Studio Sport claims the negotiations with Villarreal are down to the final details and are set to be whittled down tomorrow.

It's believed the deal was struck for €25m plus another €4m in performance-related bonuses.

According to reports from Italy, Juventus could complete their capture of Giuseppe Rossi on Wednesday.

Studio Sport claims the negotiations with Villarreal are down to the final details and are set to be whittled down tomorrow.

It's believed the deal was struck for €25m plus another €4m in performance-related bonuses.

The reports of an imminent transfer are boosted by news Rossi won't play in tonight's friendly against Aberdeen.

He is also left off the list of players heading to China for a summer tour.

The price-tag is considerably lower than the original €30m quoted by Villarreal, although with bonuses it does come very close.