Juve sweat over Alex Sandro

Juventus full-back Alex Sandro suffered a thigh injury in training, only two days before the opening match against Sampdoria.

The Bianconeri start 2020-21 with a home game against the Blucerchiati on Sunday, but Brazilian defender Alex Sandro had to stop training today.

Tuttomercatoweb reveals he has suffered a muscle injury in the right thigh and will undergo tests tomorrow.

Juventus full-back Alex Sandro suffered a thigh injury in training, only two days before the opening match against Sampdoria.

The Bianconeri start 2020-21 with a home game against the Blucerchiati on Sunday, but Brazilian defender Alex Sandro had to stop training today.

Tuttomercatoweb reveals he has suffered a muscle injury in the right thigh and will undergo tests tomorrow.