Juve are a dream for Isla

Mauricio Isla says that in joining Juventus” data-scaytid=”1″>Juventus he has realised his prime objective of playing for one of the big clubs.

Isla is just an announcement away from being confirmed as a Juventus player after a deal was done with Udinese” data-scaytid=”5″>Udinese.

Mauricio Isla says that in joining Juventus he has realised his prime objective of playing for one of the big clubs.

Isla is just an announcement away from being confirmed as a Juventus player after a deal was done with Udinese.

“I’ve been working hard for years in order to get to this point, an opportunity to play for a great team,” he told TVN.

“I became a professional in Udine. I always said that, sooner or later, I would have joined a bigger outfit.

“It’s a dream come true. I am joining one of the strongest teams in Italy and that is important for me as a footballer. It is fundamental for myself and my family.”

Isla, who will arrive in a co-ownership deal along with Kwadwo Asamoah, will team up with an international teammate in Turin.

“I’ll be at Juventus alongside Arturo Vidal, another Chilean, and that is something that has never happened before,” he added. “It’s a great opportunity for me and I’m very happy.

“I want to play and win something important, such as the Champions League. But the project at Juventus is to win everything…”

Isla has already passed his medical in Turin.