Journalists hit back at ADL

The Italian Union of Sports Journalists has hit back at Napoli President Aurelio De Laurentiis, for his behaviour towards reporters today.

The Italian Union of Sports Journalists has hit back at Napoli President Aurelio De Laurentiis, for his behaviour towards reporters today.

The patron responded nastily to questions on Edinson Cavani’s future with the Vesuviani by labelling the reporters as ‘peasants’.

Their union, USSI, has taken exception to his behaviour and confirmed in a statement issued this evening that they will be reporting him to both the Italian Football Federation and the Italian League.

“With great embarrassment and concern, USSI will report to FIGC President Giancarlo Abete and Lega Nazionale President Maurizio Beretta the disgraceful attitude held today in Milan by Napoli President Aurelio De Laurentiis against some journalists,” read the note.

“De Laurentiis is no stranger to such incidents, so we ask for a serious intervention from the football institutions to avoid the recurrence of such incidents which have outraged and discredited the entire world of Italian football.”