Napoli midfielder Jorginho refuses to discuss links to Manchester City – “I’m just focused on the next two Italy games”.

The player’s agent confirmed today that City have made an offer for his client, which is currently being evaluated by the Partenopei.

“I’m not thinking about it now,” Jorginho said in a Press conference at Coverciano today.

“I’m just focused on the next two Italy games.

Napoli midfielder Jorginho refuses to discuss links to Manchester City – “I’m just focused on the next two Italy games”.

The player’s agent confirmed today that City have made an offer for his client, which is currently being evaluated by the Partenopei.

“I’m not thinking about it now,” Jorginho said in a Press conference at Coverciano today.

“I’m just focused on the next two Italy games.

“Carlo Ancelotti? I’ve only heard great things about him and it’s normal that the thought of being coached by him is there.

“I haven’t heard from him.”

Having been repeatedly snubbed by Giampiero Ventura, Jorginho now appears set to be a key part of Roberto Mancini’s new side.

“I don’t know if I’m indispensable, you’d have to ask the boss. The CT has arrived and he’s giving us something extra, we’re taking on a precise identity and we have to continue on this path.

“We’ve restarted with a lot of young people and the group is very important for a squad.

“I’ll try to repay the trust that the CT is giving me, I want to give everything I have, playing calmly and peacefully.”


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