Armando Izzo admits he is ‘very honoured’ to sign a new contract with Genoa ahead of playing his first game in six months this weekend.

Izzo was given a six-month ban from football after he was charged with failing to report match-fixing at Avellino, but the defender has since committed himself to Genoa until 2022 and is set to return against Cagliari on Sunday.

“I’m very honoured to be able to announce that I’ll remain with the Genoa family,” he began in an emotional Instagram post.

Armando Izzo admits he is ‘very honoured’ to sign a new contract with Genoa ahead of playing his first game in six months this weekend.

Izzo was given a six-month ban from football after he was charged with failing to report match-fixing at Avellino, but the defender has since committed himself to Genoa until 2022 and is set to return against Cagliari on Sunday.

“I’m very honoured to be able to announce that I’ll remain with the Genoa family,” he began in an emotional Instagram post.

“Over the past few months, the board members, coaching staff, my teammates, fans and friends have been close to me and you’ve made me feel alive when there were dark times and I’d leave training feeling down, knowing I couldn’t play.

“I’ll represent this city, which I feel underneath my skin and has let me grow! I’m proud to have renewed my contract and I’m happy to be able to show my feelings, grit and attachment to these colours.

“I can promise maximum commitment, heart and soul whenever I wear this shirt! A special thought and thanks must also go the Preziosi family and the President, who were always by my side!

“They supported me and gave me the strength to proudly overcome this ridiculous story!

“Now let’s roll our sleeves and think about the field with even more desire, strength and thrust of these immense fans. Rise up! Forza Grifone!”


Mi sento molto onorato di poter annunciare che resterò nella famiglia del Genoa. In questi mesi dirigenti, staff tecnico, compagni, tifosi, amici (quelli veri)mi siete stati vicini e mi avete fatto sentire una persona viva quando gli attimi erano bui e quando dopo ogni allenamento tornavo triste sapendo di non poter andare in campo. Rappresenterò questa città che sento mia sulla pelle e che mi ha fatto crescere! Sono fiero di aver rinnovato il contratto e felice di poter dimostrare i miei sentimenti, la mia grinta e l'attaccamento a questi colori. Posso promettere come sempre il mio massimo impegno, la mia anima e il mio cuore ogni volta che indosserò questa maglia! Un pensiero speciale e un grazie alla famiglia Preziosi, al Presidente! Che è stato sempre al mio fianco ! Mi hanno sostenuto e dato la forza per superare con orgoglio questa assurda storia! Adesso rimbocchiamoci le maniche e pensiamo al campo con ancora più voglia e forza e con la spinta di questa immensa fiducia RISOLLEVIAMOCI! FORZA GRIFONE!

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