Italy game ‘difficult’ for Albania

The President of the Albanian FA has admitted that Tuesday’s friendly with Italy will be difficult, but praised Albania’s Italian CT Gianni De Biasi.

The Azzurri will play Albania in Genoa tomorrow night, a match which was moved from Parma in order to provide support for the victims of the floods which decimated the port city last month.

The President of the Albanian FA has admitted that Tuesday’s friendly with Italy will be difficult, but praised Albania’s Italian CT Gianni De Biasi.

The Azzurri will play Albania in Genoa tomorrow night, a match which was moved from Parma in order to provide support for the victims of the floods which decimated the port city last month.

“It’s the first time we’ve faced Italy,” Armand Duka told Sky ahead of the game.

“It’s important for us, because it’s not only football, it’s also a charity event.

“Our players must be ready to play a good game, it’ll certainly be a difficult task for us.”

There will be a familiar face for fans of Italian football in the Albania dugout, as former Torino and Udinese” data-scaytid=”6″>Udinese Coach Gianni De Biasi has been the team’s Coach since 2011.

“He’s a good Coach [De Biasi], he’s been with us for three years and he’s changed many things in Albanian football.

“He’s a serious and proper individual, we’re pleased with his work.”

As familiar as De Biasi will be for Italy, Duka reveals that the Albanian supporters will be just as au fait with their Italian opposition.

“In Albania, Italian football is always the most watched.

“Not just Serie A, but Serie B and the rest.”