Italian stadiums should be allowed to open up to 75 per cent capacity in a couple of weeks, while the Government plans to reach 100 per cent by the end of 2021.

The arenas are still only at 50 per cent due to COVID social distancing concerns.

Anyone who enters must also be masked and have a Green Pass, the EU electronic certificate proving vaccination status, recent recovery from COVID or a negative test posted within 48 hours of the event.

The move to 75 per cent had been expected for the Nations League Finals, which are hosted by Italy, but there were delays at the Government level.

“This week there will certainly be the decree and the long-awaited response,” undersecretary for health Andrea Costa told GR Parlamento.

“The objective then is to reach 100 per cent. The data from the pandemic and the effect of the vaccines are positive.

“We want to send tangible signs of a return to normality and full capacity in stadiums would be in that direction.

“I think that by the end of the year, the objective is to reach 100 per cent. We must remain prudent, but not afraid.”

One thought on “Italian stadiums at 100 per cent capacity by 2022”
  1. How are the rules for foreigners going to italy to watch a game.
    Is a negative pcr test enough to enter the stadiums.

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