Iovino: ‘Osimhen asked to change representatives’

Star Factory representative Franco Iovino has claimed Lille made Victor Osimhen change agency in order to sell the forward to Napoli ‘because of the excellent relationship between the Presidents’.

Iovino of the Star Factory, the agency that previously looked after the interests of Lille forward Osimhen, has accused Lille of ‘advising’ Osimhen to change agent.

The Nigerian did eventyally go with William D’Avila, who has since been vital in the negotiations with Napoli and Iovino spoke to Radio Punto Nuovo regarding the transfer saga.

Star Factory representative Franco Iovino has claimed Lille made Victor Osimhen change agency in order to sell the forward to Napoli ‘because of the excellent relationship between the Presidents’.

Iovino of the Star Factory, the agency that previously looked after the interests of Lille forward Osimhen, has accused Lille of ‘advising’ Osimhen to change agent.

The Nigerian did eventyally go with William D’Avila, who has since been vital in the negotiations with Napoli and Iovino spoke to Radio Punto Nuovo regarding the transfer saga.

“It was not clear what happened,” Iovino said. “Perhaps something fishy went down, probably between the Presidents of Lille and Napoli.

“The negotiations didn’t slow down because of Star Factory but because the player kept hesitating. William D’Avila is a home agent in Lille. The club will surely have advised Osimhen to leave us and go with him.

“They will certainly have promised him money. Lille for some reason wanted to only sell to Napoli, because there’s an excellent relationship between the Presidents.

“At the moment, my company doesn’t need to look itself in the mirror, the two clubs do.”