Inzaghi letter to Inter fans: ‘Immense pride, history has been made’

Simone Inzaghi penned an open letter to Inter fans after the club’s Serie A success, referencing the great Helenio Herrera and their first Scudetto star.

The Nerazzurri mathematically secured their league title following the Derby della Madonnina win over Milan last month, crowning off an incredible season under the Italian coach. Their victory earnt the club their second Scudetto star, a historic honour.

Inter are now on the charge to break the 100-point mark in Serie A, another impressive achievement, and have started building towards the 2024-25 season, where they’ll compete in both the Champions League and revamped Club World Cup, as well as domestic competitions.

Inzaghi letter to Inter

Writing in Corriere della Sera via, Inzaghi wrote a letter to the Inter fans following the club’s Scudetto victory, looking back at their long history, their path to the second star this season, and their goals moving forward ahead of the 2024-25 campaign.

“Welcome to our history, made of passion and great victories. The second star belongs to the Nerazzurri. From the beginning there was only one goal: to make the city and all our people proud.

“So many wonderful fans, who are there always close, united by great passion and love for our colours.

“I’m proud to share with you the story of this extraordinary journey for this great club, but above all for my players and all those who love Inter this year, we have reached an incredible goal, which allows us to make history.

“The road to triumph was beautiful, the second star on the chest represents the effort, sacrifices and talent of all the people who make up our family. Like the Great Inter of Herrera, who won their first star many years ago, today we too are writing one of the most important pages of our club.

Special thanks to president Steven Zhang, who wanted me at Inter and has always been close to us, never letting us lack anything. Thanks to all the directors with whom I worked, who put us in a position to be able to do our job as best as possible.

“Thanks to all my staff and all the people with whom I have shared this splendid journey, without whose commitment we would not have achieved our great goal.

“But above all thanks to my players, the true protagonists of many battles, which have made all the Nerazzurri fans around the world proud. An infinite thank you to my family, who is my safe haven and constant support in my life as a coach and as a man.

“When the final whistle of the derby finally came and I saw all the Nerazzurri fans rejoicing, I felt an immense joy that I struggle to describe.

“In these three years together, with the club, my players and this fantastic group of work, we played great football, faced challenges and won many trophies, playing brilliantly in a Champions League final, where we could have been luckier.

“We have always tried to keep our colours high and make the fans who follow us every week proud, they encourage us to always do better in all the new challenges that await us.

“I hope that this story can inspire those who dream of achieving their goals, demonstrating that with everyday work, determination and sacrifice, every desire can become reality.

“In the most difficult moment we united even more and became a family. I will never forget this. The good is never forgotten and remains forever. Always Forza Inter.”