Filippo Inzaghi wants to “repeat what I did with Venezia at Bologna”, and defends his brother after Lazio’s derby defeat.

Last night the Rossoblu Coach was awarded the Premio Scopigno for best Serie B Coach, after taking the Lagunari to the play-offs last season.

“I thank Venezia for what they gave me over the years, and I want to share this prize with them,” Inzaghi told RMC Sport.

Filippo Inzaghi wants to “repeat what I did with Venezia at Bologna”, and defends his brother after Lazio’s derby defeat.

Last night the Rossoblu Coach was awarded the Premio Scopigno for best Serie B Coach, after taking the Lagunari to the play-offs last season.

“I thank Venezia for what they gave me over the years, and I want to share this prize with them,” Inzaghi told RMC Sport.

“If I wont his award it’s because the lads gave me something extraordinary, the club had faith in me, the fans gave me so much and so did my staff. I want to share this award with them.

“I hope to repeat what I did with Venezia at Bologna, where I’ve found a fanbase that loves me and to which I owe so much.”

Super Pippo’s brother, Simone, is on the bench at Lazio but has been criticised after losing the Derby della Capitale to Roma.

“In Rome they give too much weight to the derby. Lazio were coming off five or six wins in a row, but in Rome it’s like if you lose the derby you’ve lost the entire season.

“What my brother has done with Lazio is extraordinary.

“Bologna-Lazio? There’s still plenty of time to think about it. Clearly it’ll be beautiful, but right now we both have other things to think about.

“It’ll be nice to share such great joy, especially for our parents.”

Inzaghi is a legend at Milan for his goalscoring exploits, and was asked about their current strikers.

“When you sign someone like [Gonzalo] Higuain you guarantee 20-25 goals a season. I’m happy he’s at Milan and I hope he continues like this because behind him there’s an extraordinary player in [Patrick] Cutrone who can become the striker for Milan and the national team in a few years.”


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