Inzaghi hopes cup final reputation will continue in Coppa Italia

Simone Inzaghi ‘hopes the tradition’ of his work in cup finals will continue in Inter’s Coppa Italia final with Fiorentina.

The Nerazzurri coach has been criticised this season for the team’s inconsistency in Serie A, picking up 12 defeats in 36 outings, but he has responded with impressive campaigns in both the Champions League and Coppa Italia, reaching the finals of both competitions.

Inzaghi’s Inter will face Fiorentina in the Coppa Italia final on May 24 before taking on Manchester City on the Champions League final on June 10.

Speaking in a press conference, Inzaghi first discussed which team is the favourite heading into the Coppa Italia final.

“Tomorrow we face a team in great health, we know what we will find, they deserve the final as much as we do. It will be an open game, we will have to be team with a capital T. Knowing how to read the many moments of the match, which will live on moments and incidents.”

He was asked about his reputation as a cup final specialist.

“I hope this reputation can continue, we have two finals left to play in the last four games. I hope the tradition continues but I just have to thank the guys, I found a group that has been through a lot this year, even less happy and just think back to two months ago.

“The Champions League final was unexpected for the majority, but the team has always hoped for it since the draw.”

The Inter coach reflected on his meeting with Sergio Mattarella, the President of Italy.

“The speech was very emotional, I had already had the luck one other time…. An emotional meeting, he spoke with an open heart to both teams. We are men of sport, he said, and on the pitch we must set an example by being so well followed.”

Inzaghi spoke about Inter’s mindset for the end of this season.

“We have to be good at thinking match by match, there are four to go but they are one more important than the other. Fortunately, I coach guys who have already played many finals and it will be the sixteenth game in 53 days, we will finish with nineteen in sixty-two, practically a round played in two months.

“We’re good at managing our strengths, the small regret is not having Mkhitaryan and Skriniar with me for this season finale, but some defections are inevitable.”

He gave his thoughts on Fiorentina.

“We know what kind of game it will be, how much we respect the team and their coach. The path has brought us here to this point of the season, we will try to do our best but against we will have an opponent who plays, well trained and who is fit. We will try to win as we did last year.”

Inzaghi was asked about his ability in cup finals.

“When you win trophies, and let’s not forget the Supercoppa in January that we did well to win, you do it all together. It’s not Inzaghi, Marotta, Ausilio or Zhang, all together you win and lose, we were good at never looking for the culprit.”

He refuted the suggestion that his team would be distracted by the Champions League final.

“Absolutely not. We know, and you know too, the sacrifices we have made to get to this final. The only thing that won’t be missing is the crazy commitment. Then there is an opponent who, like us, will want the cup, we will have to be good as a team and in the moments.”

He touched on the condition of defender Milan Skriniar.

“He hasn’t trained with the team yet, he’s doing an important personalised programme and will have a consultation on Thursday. I think he will be available for the last two matches.”

Finally, Inzaghi was asked if he felt secure in his role at Inter.

“Yes, I have never felt precarious, I have a contract.”