Inzaghi: ‘Bologna need support’

Bologna Coach Filippo Inzaghi insists “I don’t think this is a key week”, and urges fans to back the team.

The Rossoblu were thrashed 4-1 by Sampdoria at the weekend, and haven’t won since September.

There has been speculation that the former striker’s job is at risk, but SuperPippo insists he isn’t feeling the pressure.

“I don’t think this is a key week for the future,” Inzaghi insisted in his Press conference ahead of the Coppa Italia match with Crotone.

Bologna Coach Filippo Inzaghi insists “I don’t think this is a key week”, and urges fans to back the team.

The Rossoblu were thrashed 4-1 by Sampdoria at the weekend, and haven’t won since September.

There has been speculation that the former striker’s job is at risk, but SuperPippo insists he isn’t feeling the pressure.

“I don’t think this is a key week for the future,” Inzaghi insisted in his Press conference ahead of the Coppa Italia match with Crotone.

“We’re one step away from a Coppa Italia game against Juventus and we’re two points from safety. I’ve had several difficult periods in my career, and I’ve overcome all of them.

“I’m calm, we need to work and win.

“The team is fighting and is committed, the lads have had some lapses of concentration but I’m convinced about my ideas and this squad.

“I don’t think this defeatism is right, we’re in a bad period but we have to believe in what we’re doing, with few words and many facts.

“I’m happy I chose Bologna, I’m just asking the fans to be behind us if they can, because the players need our support.

“Nothing is compromised, we need to get back up.”