Inter’s early Serie A win is good news for Italy and Spalletti

Il Corriere dello Sport highlights that Inter‘s predictable title win before May will be good news for Italy and Luciano Spalletti as many Azzurri will have a chance to rest ahead of Euro 2024.

Several Inter players are expected to be part of the Italy squad at Euro 2024: Francesco Acerbi, Nicolò Barella, Alessandro Bastoni, Matteo Darmian, Federico Dimarco and Davide Frattesi are all expected to join the Azzurri in Germany to defend Italy’s European champions status.

With Inter enjoying a 14-point lead over second-placed Milan with just nine games remaining, it is predictable that the Nerazzurri will put their hands on the 20th Scudetto in their history with several matches to spare.

They could potentially win the title on April 22 in a derby against city rivals Milan.

The earlier Inter win the title, the better it will be for Italy and Luciano Spalletti, highlights journalist Pietro Guadagno on page 13 of Friday’s printed edition of Il Corriere dello Sport.

With the Nerazzurri who will predictably win the Scudetto before May, Italy internationals in the Nerazzurri squad will have more time to rest ahead of the Euros, where La Nazionale will debut against Albania on June 15.