Inter worth as much as Milan for Suning

The latest reports in Italy suggest Suning are ready to sell Inter for €1.2b, as much as RedBird Capital Partners paid to acquire Milan in August.

Growing reports in Italy and England claim the Zhang family is ready to listen to offers for the club. However, sources close to the club insist that the Chinese entrepreneurs are only looking for a minority shareholder.

Funds from the US and Saudi Arabia are said to have already expressed interest, but things are still moving slowly at this stage.

La Gazzetta Dello Sport insists Suning are open to both solutions and would be open to selling a majority stake in the club if a suitable offer arrives.

According to the report, the Zhang family values Inter at €1.2b the same fee paid by RedBird in August to acquire their city rivals Milan.

Andrea Sartori, the founder and CEO of Football Benchmark, believes the assessment is ‘realistic’ considering the players’ value, circa €600m and the brand’s worth, circa €400-500m.

“There are two more aspects to consider,” continued Sartori.

“The stadium, but also the Super League. Nobody talks about it, but over the next few months, the European Court Of Justice will issue its verdict and if it was favourable to Barcelona, Juventus and Real Madrid, European clubs would earn more power to establish a new competitions system, seeing their values rise.”