Lazar Samardzic and his agents have reportedly assured Inter they want to get the deal finalised after a row over commissions threatened to derail the move from Udinese.

It had seemed to be a done deal with Samardzic switching to San Siro in exchange for €15m cash plus ownership of midfielder Giovanni Fabbian.

Inter also retain a buy-back clause on Fabbian set at €12m in 2024 and €15m in 2025.

However, the whole thing was on the verge of collapse yesterday when his father and members of his entourage met with Inter directors and suddenly asked for extra commission payments.

According to, the entire move had been negotiated by agent Rafaela Pimenta, keeping his father updated and with the commission that would be split 50-50 between them.

It was only after Pimenta completed her work that the problems started, with Samardzic senior travelling to Milan from Germany and repeatedly asking for improved terms in both commission and salary for his son.

Inter assured they had done all they were prepared to do and wanted to stick with the agreed terms.

It was probably no coincidence that this all happened after reports in the Daily Mail that West Ham United were interested in Samardzic and ready to improve Inter’s offer, even though the midfielder had already undergone a medical.

La Gazzetta dello Sport claim a new meeting is set for the next 48 hours, with Samardzic’s family made aware they cannot squeeze any more out of Inter.

Udinese are also joining in pressuring the entourage to get the deal done and stop stalling.

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