There are sensational reports this evening that Lazar Samardzic’s transfer to Inter is on the verge of collapse after a crisis meeting, opening up West Ham United for the Udinese midfielder.

The deal was meant to be completed yesterday and he already had his medical tests, as did Giovanni Fabbian going the other way.

However, it was delayed due to a discussion over commission payments requested by his agents.

Today Samardzic’s father and entourage visited the Inter headquarters for talks and claim the meeting went very badly.

Rather than clarify the final details, Inter were angry that Samardzic’s representatives had suddenly changed their demands and warned they were ready to scrap the whole move.

It comes just hours after reports in the Daily Mail that West Ham United are looking towards Samardzic as the heir to Lucas Paqueta, if he is sold to Manchester City.

Sportitalia and Sky Sport Italia warn Inter do not like the West Ham interest being used to bump up demands and will not budge from the existing deal.

The agreement Inter had struck was for €15m cash plus midfielder Fabbian for the total valuation of €25m.

They would retain a buy-back clause on Fabbian worth €12m in 2024 and €15m in 2025.

One thought on “Inter slam brakes on Samardzic as West Ham hover”
  1. Westham’s owner Sullivan hates dealing with greedy , lying , cheating agents and so there is a big red flag flying over this midfield option . Westham have no time to waste .

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