Milan Skriniar’s agent reveals Inter turned down “€60-65m” from one of Real Madrid, Barcelona, Manchester City or Manchester United for his client.

The centre-back joined the Nerazzurri from Sampdoria in the summer, and has been hugely impressive in his first six months under Luciano Spalletti.

That has given rise to speculation that one of the Spanish giants or one of the two Manchester clubs could look to sign him this month.

Milan Skriniar’s agent reveals Inter turned down “€60-65m” from one of Real Madrid, Barcelona, Manchester City or Manchester United for his client.

The centre-back joined the Nerazzurri from Sampdoria in the summer, and has been hugely impressive in his first six months under Luciano Spalletti.

That has given rise to speculation that one of the Spanish giants or one of the two Manchester clubs could look to sign him this month.

“I don’t want to be specific, but I can confirm that one of those clubs made a bid of €60-65m,” Karol Csontó told Sport in his native Slovakia.

“It didn’t go any further though because we knew that there was no chance of Skriniar being sold by Inter this winter, meaning it was worthless.

“One of these clubs was very interested as I’ve said, we verified it in meetings and last week we discussed it with Inter.

“The answer was clear: at this moment in time they can’t afford to lose Skriniar. He’s an excellent player, and it’s no coincidence that these clubs are watching him.

“If everything goes well he has a beautiful footballing future ahead of him.”

There’s no chance of Skriniar leaving now then, but what about in the summer?

“We need to realise that the situation will be totally different in the summer. Until then he’ll stay for seven months, a lot can happen in that time.

“There’s also the World Cup, so we can’t say now what will happen in the summer, it could be a whole different situation.

“At this point it’s hard to say what could happen in the summer, but we’ll be very happy if he keeps putting in great performances in Milan and improves even further.

“That’s what matters now, then – as I’ve said – the summer could be a whole different situation.”


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