Inter plan for Insigne, but…

Inter are today being linked by Tuttosport with a late summer move for Napoli’s attacking talent Lorenzo Insigne.

The Turin publication suggest that the Nerazzurri sense an opportunity to pick up the Naples native in the coming final week of the transfer window, amid his continued struggles to win over the Veusviani fans.

It is alleged that Inter officials have already even held preliminary discussions with both Insigne and Napoli counterparts over a proposed deal.

Inter are today being linked by Tuttosport with a late summer move for Napoli’s attacking talent Lorenzo Insigne.

The Turin publication suggest that the Nerazzurri sense an opportunity to pick up the Naples native in the coming final week of the transfer window, amid his continued struggles to win over the Veusviani fans.

It is alleged that Inter officials have already even held preliminary discussions with both Insigne and Napoli counterparts over a proposed deal.

However, with the failed Valon Behrami move from earlier this summer in mind, Tuttosport report that relations between the two clubs are not great and that genuine negotiations may be difficult to begin.