The agent of Domenico Berardi admits Inter and Juventus “are still pursuing” the Sassuolo attacker, who could leave the Neroverdi next summer.

Berardi was heavily linked with Inter and Juve prior to the start of the season but ultimately stayed at Sassuolo, yet Simone Seghedoni – while denying the forward will move on in January – is open to “anything happening” once the campaign ends.

“It’s not easy to talk about the market in November, so answering a question like that is difficult,” he told FcInterNews.

The agent of Domenico Berardi admits Inter and Juventus “are still pursuing” the Sassuolo attacker, who could leave the Neroverdi next summer.

Berardi was heavily linked with Inter and Juve prior to the start of the season but ultimately stayed at Sassuolo, yet Simone Seghedoni – while denying the forward will move on in January – is open to “anything happening” once the campaign ends.

“It’s not easy to talk about the market in November, so answering a question like that is difficult,” he told FcInterNews.

“I’ll say that Domenico made a choice last summer, one of staying at his club. Then, in the future, anything can happen.

“The row between Inter and Juventus? I think a lot of confusion was created by the Press.

“Beyond all the talk, there’s always been his will, which was to stay [at Sassuolo] in the last transfer window.

“He, and only he, made that decision. Juventus and Inter were certainly interested, and they still are. Both clubs are still pursuing the player, but at the moment he’s a Sassuolo player.

“Still, Inter have certainly pursued him [in the past] and are continuing to do so.

Seghedoni then discussed Berardi’s hopes of establishing himself as an Italy international under Giampiero Ventura once he had recovered from his long-standing knee injury.

“The national team? I believe that Mr. Ventura has expressed the highest esteem for him, he’s certainly keeping him under close watch,” the representative added.

“Obviously the lad wants to wear the national team’s shirt, but I’m sure that will happen very soon.

“In any case, it’s important for me to stress that Domenico is focused on Under-21s. He wants to have a great Euro 2017.

“In January, Domenico will 100 percent not move. In the summer, we’ll see.”

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