Inter have taken a step forward for Piotr Zielinski, officially informing Napoli that negotiations are ongoing with the Polish midfielder.

The 29-year-old’s contract expires with the Partenopei at the end of this season and won’t be renewed following a round of talks with club president Aurelio De Laurentiis in the first half of the season.

Inter believe Zielinski will be the perfect addition to Simone Inzaghi’s five-man midfield and have been negotiating with his entourage for weeks now, keen to welcome him on a free transfer in the summer.

Page 12 of today’s Gazzetta dello Sport details how Inter have now informed Napoli of the ongoing talks with Zielinski, a necessary step before he can undergo his medicals and sign his pre-contract with the club.

The Polish midfielder is expected to put pen to paper on his contract – a four-year deal worth €4.5m plus over €500,000 in add-ons – at the end of this month, likely after the first leg of the Champions League Round of 16.

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