Inter in quarantine until March 22

Inter will reportedly be kept in quarantine until two weeks has passed since the game against Juventus, meaning they will be isolated until March 22.

The Gazzetta dello Sport reports that the team will stay in quarantine for the next ten days, but the report claims no one will be subjected to the swab test to check if they are positive for the COVID-19.

Inter will reportedly be kept in quarantine until two weeks has passed since the game against Juventus, meaning they will be isolated until March 22.

The Gazzetta dello Sport reports that the team will stay in quarantine for the next ten days, but the report claims no one will be subjected to the swab test to check if they are positive for the COVID-19.

Juventus defender Daniele Rugani tested positive for the Coronavirus and the Nerazzurri released a statement confirming they have suspended training and any football activity until further notice.

According to the newspaper, the protocol doesn’t provide for swab tests, as none of the Nerazzurri players currently have symptoms of the virus.

Not only the players are in quarantine, as the technical staff, managers and members of the media department are also isolated in their homes for the next ten days.

The report claims that the test situation would naturally change in the eventuality that someone should appear to have symptoms of the disease.