Inter fans find app to insult Lukaku during Roma game

Inter ultras were banned from handing out 30,000 whistles to insult Roma striker Romelu Lukaku, but they might’ve come up with an interesting alternative.

The game kicks off at San Siro on Sunday at 17.00 GMT.

This is the first time that Lukaku has faced his former club since he forced them to abandon negotiations to make his loan from Chelsea a permanent one.

Ultras had planned to hand out 30,000 whistles to be blown every time Lukaku touched the ball, but the local authorities ordered them not to do this, as it would inevitably cause difficulties for the referee when he has to blow his whistle, rendering him inaudible.

According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, some enterprising Nerazzurri fans have found an app that can be installed on their phones that makes a loud whistling noise.

It will not be as loud as a genuine whistle, but still enough to make their displeasure heard at Lukaku’s every touch, although it remains to be seen how this will affect their phone battery.

In Italy, a whistle is generally used rather than a ‘boo’ noise to insult someone.