Inter consider Gotze bid

Inter are thought to be looking at Borussia Dortmund starlet Mario Gotze as a replacement for Wesley Sneijder.

The Nerazzurri are eager to lower the average age of the squad after a couple of difficult campaigns and a series of injuries.

Inter are thought to be looking at Borussia Dortmund starlet Mario Gotze as a replacement for Wesley Sneijder.

The Nerazzurri are eager to lower the average age of the squad after a couple of difficult campaigns and a series of injuries.

Sneijder had been in talks with Manchester United and Manchester City over the summer, while he could still leave at the end of this season.

According to the newspapers in Italy, Inter have set their sights on 19-year-old Borussia Dortmund talent Gotze.

He is also of interest to Juventus” data-scaytid=”8″>Juventus, Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Barcelona and Bayern Munich.

It is believed Gotze has a price-tag of around €30m following impressive Champions League performances.