Insigne: ‘Napoli have the advantage’

Lorenzo Insigne believes the Serie A fixture list and keeping Carlo Ancelotti can give Napoli “an advantage” in the Scudetto race.

The 2019-20 calendar was drawn up yesterday and the showdown between Juventus and Napoli is already in the second weekend of August 31-September 1.

With new boss Maurizio Sarri at the helm, it’s a huge opportunity for the Partenopei to get a result in Turin.

Lorenzo Insigne believes the Serie A fixture list and keeping Carlo Ancelotti can give Napoli “an advantage” in the Scudetto race.

The 2019-20 calendar was drawn up yesterday and the showdown between Juventus and Napoli is already in the second weekend of August 31-September 1.

With new boss Maurizio Sarri at the helm, it’s a huge opportunity for the Partenopei to get a result in Turin.

“I am convinced that we have an advantage compared to the teams that have hired new Coaches,” Insigne told La Gazzetta dello Sport and Corriere dello Sport.

“This is a squad that has been working together for five or six years, we changed relatively little and added some interesting new figures.

“After last season, we know Ancelotti better now and are aware of what he wants from us. We’ve got to make the most of that advantage and start the season on the right foot.

“A good start would also boost enthusiasm among the fans and bring them back to the stadium. We’ve got to have fun and believe, all together.”

Among the few changes brought in this summer, there’s ex-Roma centre-back Kostas Manolas.

“He immediately picked up the movements. Manolas certainly doesn’t lack in presence and he immediately put himself at the disposal of the team.”