Insigne: ‘Asked to replace Verratti’

Lorenzo Insigne confirms he was asked to take over Marco Verratti’s midfield role during Italy’s 1-0 World Cup play-off defeat to Sweden.

“I think that aside from the goal tonight, Sweden did little else. I don’t think we played badly. It’s a pity about that, but it’s only half-time and we’ve got the second one to play at San Siro,” Insigne told Rai Sport.

Lorenzo Insigne confirms he was asked to take over Marco Verratti’s midfield role during Italy’s 1-0 World Cup play-off defeat to Sweden.

“I think that aside from the goal tonight, Sweden did little else. I don’t think we played badly. It’s a pity about that, but it’s only half-time and we’ve got the second one to play at San Siro,” Insigne told Rai Sport.

“We all need to change our attitude and remember what we are fighting for.”

The Napoli left-sided winger came on for the final 15 minutes, but was not placed in his usual role, nor did Giampiero Ventura move back to 4-2-4.

“The Coach knows what kind of player I am and I try to give my best whenever called upon. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to make a difference tonight, but whether I play for one minute or 90, I’ll always give 100 per cent.

“The Coach asked if I felt ready to replace Verratti, I said yes, because any role with the Nazionale jersey is important. I could’ve given more, I’m disappointed, but now we must get our heads down and try to win at all costs.

“Whoever comes on to the field on Monday has to give 200 per cent. It’s not possible that Italy don’t go to the World Cup. We must have the bit between our teeth and fight it out.

“We all agree that we must stay calm, because it’s only half-time and we’ve got all the Italians behind us at San Siro. We must work hard and then give 300 per cent on Monday.

“We have faith, because we know the quality we’ve got, but must use our anger to fight back and win on Monday.”