Parma have confirmed that Roberto Inglese underwent a successful surgery in Finland and will start the rehabilitation in three weeks.

Roberto D’Aversa has been looking for a new striker since the attacker was injured against Juventus last weekend.

He was carried off the pitch and the club confirmed he has “a serious lesion to the myotendinous junction of the right thigh flexor.”

The 28-year-old travelled to Finland and has gone through a successful intervention, but the club expects him to be out for the next two weeks.

Parma have confirmed that Roberto Inglese underwent a successful surgery in Finland and will start the rehabilitation in three weeks.

Roberto D’Aversa has been looking for a new striker since the attacker was injured against Juventus last weekend.

He was carried off the pitch and the club confirmed he has “a serious lesion to the myotendinous junction of the right thigh flexor.”

The 28-year-old travelled to Finland and has gone through a successful intervention, but the club expects him to be out for the next two weeks.

Parma confirmed he will have to rest for three weeks, and then he could start with his rehabilitation – something that might mean he will not be back until the end of March.

The Ducali are currently seventh in the League and will miss Inglese, who has played 11 games and scored twice in Serie A so far this term.

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