Icardi: ‘CL still possible’

Inter captain Mauro Icardi insists “I believe strongly in third place” and is “very confident” they can get there.

The Nerazzurri suffered a blow to their Champions League ambitions with defeat to Roma on Sunday night, but the striker believes they can still qualify.

“You always need to leave negative results behind and look forward, especially when you’ve been on the level of your opponent,” Icardi told Gazzetta dello Sport.

Inter captain Mauro Icardi insists “I believe strongly in third place” and is “very confident” they can get there.

The Nerazzurri suffered a blow to their Champions League ambitions with defeat to Roma on Sunday night, but the striker believes they can still qualify.

“You always need to leave negative results behind and look forward, especially when you’ve been on the level of your opponent,” Icardi told Gazzetta dello Sport.

“We’re not out of contention until the numbers tell us we can’t qualify. I believe strongly in third place, we all believe and the objective is always the same.

“We have a duty to push all the way, I’m very confident.

“We have to acquire a winning mentality, we can’t just show it in a few games, it’s the consistency of high-level talent which makes the difference. And we haven’t found that yet.

“We need to get used to winning, it has to become a regular thing, not an exceptional thing.”

The Beneamata have faced both Juventus and Roma in recent weeks, which of the two Scudetto contenders is the stronger?

“They’re both strong, with different styles. However, in the end trophies talk.

“If Juventus have won the Scudetto for the past five years, if they’re always the team to beat, that means that they play the best. The rest is just chatter.”