Ibra getting bored of football

Milan ace Zlatan Ibrahimovic has raised doubts about his future in the game. "Football was everything to me, but now I'm interested in other things."

Speaking candidly, the striker said that he would continue to play on for a while, but hinted that he's already thinking about retirement.

"Before football was everything to me," stated the 2010 signing from Spanish giants Barcelona.

Milan ace Zlatan Ibrahimovic has raised doubts about his future in the game. "Football was everything to me, but now I'm interested in other things."

Speaking candidly, the striker said that he would continue to play on for a while, but hinted that he's already thinking about retirement.

"Before football was everything to me," stated the 2010 signing from Spanish giants Barcelona.

"I did not think about anything else and sometimes I didn't even go to school so that I could play. Now it is not like that, I'm interested in other things.

"It even takes a great deal of effort for me to play football with my kids in the garden – I now leave it to the babysitter."

The former Juventus” data-scaytid=”3″>Juventus and Inter star turned 30 on Monday and he's admitted that he's finding it tough to defeat the sands of time.

"With age you have to care for yourself more," he added. "When I was young, if I felt any pain or had any problems then I could still shoot at goal from 40 metres away.

"That's not the case today. I have to take great care in my warm up before even kicking a ball. I'm getting old.

"I'm not kidding about my situation. I hate to say it, but I don't have the same determination as I had before and I enjoyed myself a lot more a few years ago."

Ibra almost went as far as saying that he's actually getting bored of the game.

"Today everything has become routine even though I still enjoy it, but you won't see me playing with white hair and I won't play on until the verge of destroying myself.

"I won't be retiring soon, I'll play on for a while, but I want to retire when I am still at the top. That might not happen, but that is my objective."