Iachini: ‘All the best, Palermo’

Ex-Palermo Coach Beppe Iachini wished his successor Walter Novellino “all the best” to stay in Serie A.

Iachini was fired in November and recalled last month, but walked out again yesterday following a blazing row with President Maurizio Zamparini.

Ex-Palermo Coach Beppe Iachini wished his successor Walter Novellino “all the best” to stay in Serie A.

Iachini was fired in November and recalled last month, but walked out again yesterday following a blazing row with President Maurizio Zamparini.

“I wanted to say goodbye to everyone, the players who shared these two and a half years with me and the splendid fans,” Iachini told Sky Sport Italia as he left the training camp.

“I hope to see Palermo get the points they deserve. I also wish Novellino all the best. He will do well, he finds a team that is made up of lads with real moral fibre.

“In these remaining games of the season, Palermo can find the points they need to reach their objective.”