Elseid Hysaj says Napoli’s players are all staying “to do something great in the coming year”.

There have been suggestions of a ‘Scudetto pact’ between the Partenopei players, whereby they all agreed to remain together for at least one more season for a serious assault on the title.

“We need enthusiasm in the pre-season training camp to start right away for the upcoming League campaign,” Hysaj saison Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli.

Elseid Hysaj says Napoli’s players are all staying “to do something great in the coming year”.

There have been suggestions of a ‘Scudetto pact’ between the Partenopei players, whereby they all agreed to remain together for at least one more season for a serious assault on the title.

“We need enthusiasm in the pre-season training camp to start right away for the upcoming League campaign,” Hysaj saison Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli.

“We’re a united group and we’ve all stayed together. We’ll try to get the newcomers adapted to our game right away, and we’ll try to do something great in the coming year.

“We want to start in the best possible way, but always with our heads on our shoulders. Everyone understands that we’ll do our utmost to win something.”

Hysaj’s former Empoli teammate Mario Rui is expected to sign from Roma in the coming days.

“I know him, he’s a great guy and a great player. I hope he can come here, because he’d give us a big hand.”


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