Gonzalo Higuain will put his case to the Corte d'Appello Federale on Friday, as he looks to have his ban reduced.

The Napoli striker has been hit with a four-match sanction for his actions after being sent-off in the defeat to Udinese.

He served the first game of that suspension as his teammates thumped Verona yesterday, but is looking to have the ban reduced to two games.

Mediaset reports that his appeal will be officially submitted on Wednesday, while discussion will be held on Friday.

Gonzalo Higuain will put his case to the Corte d'Appello Federale on Friday, as he looks to have his ban reduced.

The Napoli striker has been hit with a four-match sanction for his actions after being sent-off in the defeat to Udinese.

He served the first game of that suspension as his teammates thumped Verona yesterday, but is looking to have the ban reduced to two games.

Mediaset reports that his appeal will be officially submitted on Wednesday, while discussion will be held on Friday.

Higuain will attend the latter in person, as he looks to present his own version of events, in order to convince the judges to reduce his sentence.

The Vesuviani face Inter on Saturday night, but the striker hopes to be available for the Bologna and Roma games.


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