Napoli captain Marek Hamsik says his side’s experience from winning the Coppa Italia in 2012 counts for nothing now.

The Partenopei will look to emulate the achievement when they take on Fiorentina” data-scaytid=”5″>Fiorentina in tomorrow’s final but the Slovakian is anticipating a difficult game.

Napoli captain Marek Hamsik says his side’s experience from winning the Coppa Italia in 2012 counts for nothing now.

The Partenopei will look to emulate the achievement when they take on Fiorentina in tomorrow’s final but the Slovakian is anticipating a difficult game.

“We are not thinking about the success from two years ago,” Hamsik said at the pre-match Press conference.

“All that matters now is the present and Fiorentina. The Coppa Italia is a trophy we have a lot of history in, but it will be a difficult match.”

The attacking midfielder’s form has come under the microscope of late and he was also asked how he felt about having been dropped for the Azzurri’s match against Inter last week.

“I am a professional and I will always accept the boss’ decisions. There is no problem.

“Not enough goals? That is also a false issue. It’s an issue for you but not for me. Sooner or later the goals will come.”

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