Hamsik: Happy at united Napoli

Marek Hamsik reiterates that he is happy at Napoli, as he affirms the squad’s togetherness and need to focus game by game.

The Vesuviani have been in a state of disquiet following elimination at the Play-off stage of the Champions League.

Marek Hamsik reiterates that he is happy at Napoli, as he affirms the squad’s togetherness and need to focus game by game.

The Vesuviani have been in a state of disquiet following elimination at the Play-off stage of the Champions League.

However, their captain has asserted that President Aurelio De Laurentiis’ visit to the squad this week is an indication of the mindset behind the scenes.

“We were very pleased by the President’s visit. It was a very important sign for us,” Hamsik has told Radio Goal today.

“From now until Christmas there will be many games and to be ready for all the commitments it will take the support of the whole team.”

One of those commitments before the year is out is the Super Cup against Juventus.

“It is still too far away, we must now think only of Chievo, since every game is important. It is the first at home in the League, we want to do well and take home all three points.

“Chievo in recent years have always caused us problems at home, but now there is belief on the part of all of us to do well.

“We have great attacking potential and can hurt anyone, but the important thing is not to concede.

“We are a squad that can compete for everything, the squad is also a solid group. After De Guzman’s goal at Genoa, the whole bench jumped up to celebrate together, and this suggests the group that we are.

“Now we have to be good to concentrate game after game.”

Criticism aimed at the club has been on their perceived failure to adequately strengthen in the summer transfer window, and Hamsik was asked of his impressions of those who did arrive.

“Today I had a first training session with him and I cannot judge yet, but if Benitez and the club have brought him in then that is important.

“Koulibaly is a wardrobe, as I told him earlier today.”

The Slovakia international was asked once more about his future.

“It is possible that I can stay at Napoli for my entire career, I am happy here but in football you never know.

“As long as I am happy and I feel important I will stay here because I have no reason to change.

 “Each day I hear from the fans talk of the Scudetto – we have to try at all costs, but no-one will know if we can succeed – we have to wait.”