Hammers haggle for Felipe Anderson

Lazio and West Ham United continue to haggle over Felipe Anderson and are still some way off an agreement.

According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, the talks have hit several problems over the last few days after an initial surge of progress.

President Claudio Lotito is a tough negotiator at the best of times and wants to make a big profit on the Brazilian forward.

He is demanding €45m plus 20 per cent of any future sale.

Lazio and West Ham United continue to haggle over Felipe Anderson and are still some way off an agreement.

According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, the talks have hit several problems over the last few days after an initial surge of progress.

President Claudio Lotito is a tough negotiator at the best of times and wants to make a big profit on the Brazilian forward.

He is demanding €45m plus 20 per cent of any future sale.

So far, West Ham are proposing €35m plus bonuses and 20 per cent of the profit from his next transfer fee rather than 20 per cent of the total.