Hallfredsson letter to Verona fans

Iceland international Emil Hallfredsson wrote a moving open letter to Verona fans and teammates after his father’s death.

The midfielder was away for a couple of weeks on compassionate leave after his father was taken ill and eventually died.

He wrote an open letter that was posted on the Hellas Verona website.

Iceland international Emil Hallfredsson wrote a moving open letter to Verona fans and teammates after his father’s death.

The midfielder was away for a couple of weeks on compassionate leave after his father was taken ill and eventually died.

He wrote an open letter that was posted on the Hellas Verona website.

“I left with tears in my hand; I could grip them between my fingers. In amongst the tears, full of pain, I had the hope that life would continue for my Dad.

“Looking him in the eyes, holding him to me and walking side by side. I am a son, after all, who suffers, who cries, who loves and who wanted his father to live longer to share many more moments of joy together.

“I wanted that, but as time went on I realised that wasn’t going to happen.

“I am a son who today wants to embrace those who made this moment a little less sad, trying to dry the tears of myself and my family.

“My friends, teammates, Coaches, directors and fans. My family felt you close to us during our silent suffering.

“I am not a man of many words; you’ve grown to know me over the years. Today, for the affection you gave me, I feel even prouder to be a son who wants to embrace and thank you all.

“I have one final thought. It is for my father, who will continue to cheer me on from up there. I’ll miss you.

“With my heart, your Emil.”