Guidolin’s regrets in Genoa

Francesco Guidolin has “regrets” at Udinese’s 3-2 defeat in an exhilarating encounter in Genoa. “We could’ve got a different result.”

Francesco Guidolin has “regrets” at Udinese’s 3-2 defeat in an exhilarating encounter in Genoa. “We could’ve got a different result.”

The Friulani had taken the lead at Marassi, but went 3-1 behind and then clawed it back to 3-2.

“There are regrets, because we lost a game that we did not deserve to lose,” said the Coach.

“It was a wonderful match and we only had a three-minute black-out at the start of the second half. With a little more concentration, we could’ve got a different result.

“The fans were certainly entertained by the second half at Marassi. Now we have to roll our sleeves up to achieve more positive results and whittle down the errors we made today.

“I don’t want to use the absentees as an excuse, because we have no reason to complain. Will there be more arrivals? I won’t talk about the transfer market.”