Guarin: ‘Inter an institution’

New signing Fredy Guarin is “truly happy and honoured to be here, as Inter are an institution of football.”

The midfielder arrived from Porto towards the end of the January transfer session despite being heavily linked with Juventus” data-scaytid=”4″>Juventus.

New signing Fredy Guarin is “truly happy and honoured to be here, as Inter are an institution of football.”

The midfielder arrived from Porto towards the end of the January transfer session despite being heavily linked with Juventus.

“I am happy, truly happy, and honoured to be here,” the Colombian told Inter Channel.

“Inter are like a big family. I am so honoured to be a part of it, as Inter are an institution of football.

“For the moment I have pulled on the Nerazzurri jersey only for my official photograph, but even that was a hugely emotional moment. I am so happy.

“I understand a little Italian, but it’s difficult to speak and I’ll get studying, just as I did in the other countries I played in.”