Fredy Guarin’s agent denied telling journalists he had “spoken to Napoli” about the player and awaited Inter’s decision.

Fredy Guarin’s agent denied telling journalists he had “spoken to Napoli” about the player and awaited Inter’s decision.

“I met Napoli director of sport Riccardo Bigon this week, but didn’t just talk about Guarin,” Marcelo Ferreyra was quoted as saying on

“There are at least five or six different very interesting profiles we discussed. As for Fredy, we must wait for Inter’s decisions, as they are going through a transition period and need to verify the intentions of the new owners.

“I cannot say that at this moment there are actual negotiations going on for one of my clients.”

However, late Friday night Ferreyra denied making these statements.

“I never spoke about Guarin with Bigon, nor did I talk to the journalist who wrote this,” he told FCInternews.

“I never met Bigon, we are not looking for other clubs and it is all lies. I categorically deny these rumours.”

Guarin’s current contract with the Nerazzurri expires in June 2016 and he has also been linked with Tottenham.

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