Gravina: ‘I’ll never stop season’

Gabriele Gravina has declared ‘I’ll never sign off stopping the season’ while he is President of the FIGC because ‘that would be the death of football’.

Gravina has made no secret of his desire to see 2019-20 in Italian football fulfilled, and the 66-year-old issued his staunchest warning yet, asserting only through government intervention could the campaign be abandoned.

Gabriele Gravina has declared ‘I’ll never sign off stopping the season’ while he is President of the FIGC because ‘that would be the death of football’.

Gravina has made no secret of his desire to see 2019-20 in Italian football fulfilled, and the 66-year-old issued his staunchest warning yet, asserting only through government intervention could the campaign be abandoned.

“As long as I’m President of the FIGC, I’ll never sign off stopping the season because that would be the death of Italian football,” he said during a meeting held by Serie B side Ascoli.

“I’m protecting the interests of everyone so, I repeat, I refuse to sign off a total shutdown, unless there are objective conditions relating to the health of everyone involved, but someone has to tell me clearly and stop me from moving forward.

“With a total shutdown, the system would lose €700-800m. If we were to play behind closed doors, the losses would be €300m, and if we restarted with fans, the losses would amount to €100-150m, even though the latter isn’t viable.

“We have strong contractual responsibilities towards international partners and institutions, such as UEFA and FIFA.”