FIGC President Gabriele Gravina confirms that so far Alessandro Florenzi is not under investigation for betting on football, so would not warrant a ban, even if did use gambling sites.

The Milan full-back spent circa an hour with the Turin public prosecutor this afternoon to give his deposition in the investigation into illegal gambling.

According to news agency ANSA, Florenzi told them that he did gamble on games of chance like roulette, but not on sporting events.

This is against the rules for a professional football player, but likely to only incur a fine and not a suspension.

“Florenzi is one of those that I read about in the media, but I don’t feel the conditions are such to warrant any concern,” said FIGC President Gravina.

“We do not have any specific communication regarding the sporting side of things, so that means we have not been informed about any negative position that concerns us.

“If we were involved, then we would as always take on the double course of severe punishment accompanied with a recovery process. But for now, there is nothing.”

All kinds of gambling are against the rules for professional football players, yet both Sandro Tonali and Nicolò Fagioli managed to develop gambling addiction.

“I hear that this phenomenon has been spreading for a while, but we have to focus on the fact there are currently only two confirmed cases,” added Gravina.

Fagioli received a seven-month ban, while Tonali has been suspended for 10 months, with both also undergoing treatment for gambling addiction.

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